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To be a Black, LGBTQ artist in 21st century America must be many things: complicated, textured, evolving, challenging, rich.

For the summer exhibition at the Wexner Center for the Arts, jaamil olawale kosokoWexner artist residency award recipient, enlisted artists to call upon Black feminist knowledge to create installations examining such lives.

The exhibit, “Portal For(e) the Ephemeral Passage,” continues through Aug. 14 at the Ohio State University avant-garde art center. Works by kosoko, nora chipaumire,Jennifer Harge, Devin Drake, Dana Michel, Tracy Maurice, Jasmine Murrell, and Keioui Keijaun Thomas occupy all the center’s galleries.

The installations — a mix of videos, sculptures, drawings and more — are not readily discernible, but present layers of often mysterious and enigmatic images and symbols. Happily, each installation offers reading materials and QR codes where more context and background information about the artists and their works can be found.

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