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Now Kasandy, CEO and co-founder of the Black Entrepreneurs and Businesses of Canada Society, wants to help other Black would-be business owners, many of whom still face financial barriers.

So the society on Friday launched a new contest to help Black entrepreneurs secure $25,000 in financing to start their business.

The Black Pitch Contest is designed to help Black entrepreneurs who have been excluded from traditional investment avenues like loans, grants and business financing, said Kasandy, who also owns a shop on Granville Island called Kasandy.

Kasandy grew up in Kenya, and moved to Toronto as a student. Later she moved to B.C. and wanted to start her Granville Island shop, but she couldn’t get a loan. So she maxxed out her credit cards and sublet her rented apartment through AirBnb just to get by until she finally built her business.

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