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It’s been a tumultuous couple of years for teachers, but things are finally looking up. 

In its recently released annual State of the Teacher report, RAND found that, in 2023, well-being was overall better for teachers, even returning to pre-pandemic levels. 

This can be attributed to some of the things we learned during the pandemic, says Kimberly Christian Johnson, a 25-year educator and 2022 Alabama State Teacher of the Year. For example, people are paying more attention to the industry and its challenges, like creating grow-your-own programs, expanding mentorship opportunities, and supporting mental health needs.

“Those are conversations that people are having, so I do think it is better for all of us,” Johnson says.

And specifically for Black teachers, relationships with students’ relationships are at an “all-time high,” says Kurt Russell, a high school history teacher in Ohio and the 2022 National Teacher of the Year.

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