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To celebrate the contributions of Black artists worldwide, the Eisenhauer Gallery in Edgartown will showcase a collection of emerging and established Black artists from Edgartown to Lagos. The celebratory show features artists Janice Frame, Affen Segun, Lily Sol, and Theophilus Tetteh, and runs August 8 to 16.

Janice Frame, Edgartown pioneer in digital media and collage, aims to dispel European beauty standards by painting over high-resolution photographs of her subjects. Frame uses collaged fabric and paper to adorn their faces and bodies, creating a profound presentation of African beauty. 

Affen Segun’s portraits focus on the joy of Blackness and womanhood. Segun hails from Lagos, Nigeria, and uses brightly patterned Ankara fabric to complement the strong yellow backdrops of his paintings. Segun is thrilled to be featured in the upcoming collection, which will serve as his debut at the Eisenhauer Gallery. 

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